stable diffusion API 调用,超级详细代码示例和说明

本文主要介绍 stable diffusion API 调用,准确来说是对 stable diffusion webui 的 API 调用。接口文档可以查看:

这里的 是自己的 sd webui Endpoint。

文生图是:/sdapi/v1/txt2img 这个 POST 接口。

图生图是:/sdapi/v1/img2img 这个 POST 接口。

本文主要介绍文生图 txt2img 接口。

文生图 txt2img 接口

以下是添加了两个 ControlNet,4 批次,每批次生成 1 张图,并指定了基础模型、VAE 等的入参 JSON:

{ "alwayson_scripts": { "controlnet": { "args": [
        { "control_mode": 0,
          "enabled": true,
          "guidance_end": 0.5,
          "guidance_start": 0.0,
          "input_image": "base64SrcImg",
          "lowvram": false,
          "model": "control_v11p_sd15_softedge [a8575a2a]",
          "module": "softedge_pidinet",
          "pixel_perfect": true,
          "processor_res": 0,
          "resize_mode": 1,
          "threshold_a": 0,
          "threshold_b": 0,
          "weight": 0.3
        { "control_mode": 0,
          "enabled": true,
          "guidance_end": 0.5,
          "guidance_start": 0.0,
          "input_image": "base64SrcImg",
          "lowvram": false,
          "model": "control_v11f1p_sd15_depth [cfd03158]",
          "module": "depth_midas",
          "pixel_perfect": true,
          "processor_res": 0,
          "resize_mode": 1,
          "threshold_a": 0,
          "threshold_b": 0,
          "weight": 0.75
  "batch_size": 4,
  "cfg_scale": 7,
  "height": 512,
  "negative_prompt": "EasyNegative, paintings, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, age spot, glans,extra fingers,fewer fingers,strange fingers,bad hand,backlight, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), watermark, logo, bad anatomy,lace,rabbit,back,",
  "override_settings": { "sd_model_checkpoint": "chosenMix_chosenMix.ckpt [dd0aacadb6]",
    "sd_vae": ""
  "clip_skip": 2,
  "prompt": ",(best quality:1.25),( masterpiece:1.25), (ultra high res:1.25), (no human:1.3),,(white background:2)",
  "restore_faces": false,
  "sampler_index": "DPM++ SDE Karras",
  "sampler_name": "",
  "script_args": [
  "seed": -1,
  "steps": 28,
  "tiling": false,
  "width": 512

其中 ControlNet 参数解释可以参考:

sd-webui-controlnet 接口调用 API 文档

  • input_image : 用于此单元的图像。默认为 null
  • mask : 用于过滤图像的掩码 pixel_perfect。默认为 null
  • module : 在将图像传递给此单元之前在其上使用的预处理器。接受/controlnet/module_list 路由返回的值。默认为 none
  • model : 用于此单元中的调节的模型的名称。接受/controlnet/model_list 路由返回的值。默认为 None
  • weight : 此单元的权重。默认为 1
  • resize_mode : 如何调整输入图像以适应生成的输出分辨率。默认为 Scale to Fit (Inner Fit)。接受的值为:
    • 0 或 Just Resize:只需将图像调整为目标宽度/高度
    • 1 或 Scale to Fit (Inner Fit):按比例缩放和裁剪以适应最小尺寸。保持比例。

      2 或 Envelope (Outer Fit):按比例缩放以适应最大尺寸。保持比例。

      lowvram : 是否通过处理时间来补偿低 GPU 内存。默认为 false

      processor_res : 预处理器的分辨率。默认为 64

      threshold_a : 预处理器的第一个参数。仅在预处理器接受参数时生效。默认为 64

    • threshold_b : 预处理器的第二个参数,用法与上述相同。默认为 64
    • guidance_start : 此单元开始发挥作用的生成比例。默认为 0.0
    • guidance_end : 此单元停止发挥作用的生成比例。默认为 1.0
    • control_mode : 有关用法,请参见相关问题。默认为 0。接受的值为:
      • 0 或 Balanced:平衡,对提示和控制模型没有偏好
      • 1 或 My prompt is more important:提示比模型更有影响力
      • 2 或 ControlNet is more important:控制网络模型比提示更有影响力
      • pixel_perfect : 启用像素完美的预处理器。默认为 false

        Java 封装入参类

        StableDiffusionTextToImg 类:

        import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
        import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
        import lombok.Builder;
        import lombok.Data;
        import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
        import java.util.List;
        public class StableDiffusionTextToImg implements Serializable { /**
             * 去噪强度
            private Integer denoising_strength;
            private Integer firstphase_width;
            private Integer firstphase_height;
             * 高清修复
             * 缩写hr代表的就是webui中的"高分辨率修复 (Hires. fix)",相关的参数对应的是webui中的这些选项:
            private Boolean enable_hr;
             * default 2
            private Integer hr_scale;
            private String hr_upscaler;
            private Integer hr_second_pass_steps;
            private Integer hr_resize_x;
            private Integer hr_resize_y;
            private String hr_sampler_name;
            private String hr_prompt;
            private String hr_negative_prompt;
             * 正向提示词, 默认 ""
             * lora 需要放在 prompt 里
            private String prompt;
             * 反向提示词, 默认 ""
            private String negative_prompt;
            private List styles;
             * 随机数种子 (Seed)
            private Integer seed;
            private Integer clip_skip;
            private Integer subseed;
            private Integer subseed_strength;
             * 高度
            private Integer seed_resize_from_h;
             * 宽度
            private Integer seed_resize_from_w;
             * 采样方法 (Sampler), 默认 null
            private String sampler_name;
             * 采样方法 (Sampler) 下标
            private String sampler_index;
             * 批次数 default: 1
            private Integer batch_size;
             * 每批的数量 default: 1
            private Integer n_iter;
             * 迭代步数 (Steps), 默认 50
            private Integer steps;
             * 提示词引导系数, 默认7
            private Double cfg_scale;
             * 宽度
            private Integer width;
             * 高度
            private Integer height;
             * 面部修复, 默认 false
            private Boolean restore_faces;
             * 平铺图 默认 false
            private Boolean tiling;
             * 默认 false
            private Boolean do_not_save_samples;
             * 默认 false
            private Boolean do_not_save_grid;
             * 默认 null
            private Integer eta;
             * 默认 0
            private Integer s_min_uncond;
             * 默认 0
            private Integer s_churn;
             * 默认 null
            private Integer s_tmax;
             * 默认 0
            private Integer s_tmin;
             * 默认 1
            private Integer s_noise;
             * 默认 null
            private OverrideSettings override_settings;
             * 默认 true
            private Boolean override_settings_restore_afterwards;
            private List script_args;
             * 默认 null
            private String script_name;
             * 默认 true
            private Boolean send_images;
             * 默认 false
            private Boolean save_images;
             * 默认 {}
            private AlwaysonScripts alwayson_scripts;


        OverrideSettings 类:用于指定基础模型和 VAE:

        import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
        import lombok.Builder;
        import lombok.Data;
        import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
        public class OverrideSettings { private String sd_model_checkpoint;
            private String sd_vae;

        AlwaysonScripts 类,其中可以指定 ControlNet:

        import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
        import lombok.Builder;
        import lombok.Data;
        import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
         * 参考:
        public class AlwaysonScripts { private ControlNet controlnet;

        ControlNet 类,其中可以指定多组 Args(一个 Args 是一个 ControlNet)

        import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
        import lombok.Builder;
        import lombok.Data;
        import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
        import java.util.List;
        public class ControlNet { private List args;

        Args 类,即指定一个 ControlNet 的所有参数:

        import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
        import lombok.Builder;
        import lombok.Data;
        import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
         * 参考:
        public class Args { private boolean enabled;
             * PreProcessor 例如:"module": "lineart_coarse"
            private String module;
            private String model;
             * defaults to 1
            private double weight = 1.0;
            private String input_image;
            private String mask;
            private int control_mode = 0;
             * enable pixel-perfect preprocessor. defaults to false
            private boolean pixel_perfect;
             * whether to compensate low GPU memory with processing time. defaults to false
            private boolean lowvram;
            private int processor_res;
            private int threshold_a;
            private int threshold_b;
            private double guidance_start;
            private double guidance_end = 1.0;

        StableDiffusionTextToImgResponse 类,即 stable diffusion webui 的响应结构:

        import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
        import lombok.Builder;
        import lombok.Data;
        import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
        import java.util.List;
        public class StableDiffusionTextToImgResponse implements Serializable { /**
             * 生成的图片结果 base64
            private List images;
             * 入参和默认值
            private StableDiffusionTextToImg parameters;
             * 参数的组合字符串
            private String info;

        Java 测试调用文生图 API

        StableDiffusionTest 类:

        import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
        import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
        import org.assertj.core.util.Lists;
        import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
        import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
        import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
        import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
        import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
        import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
        import java.util.*;
        public class StableDiffusionTest1 { @Test
            public void testSdApi() throws IOException { StableDiffusionTextToImg body = getArtisticWordStableDiffusionTextToImg();
                final List images = callSdApi(body);
                for (String image : images) { writeBase642ImageFile(image, String.format("./%s.png", UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "")));
            public static void writeBase642ImageFile(String image, String fileName) { try (OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName)) { byte[] imageBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(image);
                    ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes);
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                    int bytesRead;
                    while ((bytesRead = != -1) { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace();
            private StableDiffusionTextToImg getArtisticWordStableDiffusionTextToImg() throws IOException { final String base64SrcImg = convertImageToBase64("./cat-768x512.png");
                Args args1 = Args.builder()
                        .model("control_v11p_sd15_softedge [a8575a2a]")
                Args args2 = Args.builder()
                        .model("control_v11f1p_sd15_depth [cfd03158]")
                String vae = "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors";
                StableDiffusionTextToImg body = StableDiffusionTextToImg.builder().sampler_name("")
                        .prompt("(cake:1.8),( 3D:1.8),( shadow:1.8),(best quality:1.25),( masterpiece:1.25), (ultra high res:1.25), (no human:1.3),,(white background:2)")
                        .negative_prompt("EasyNegative, paintings, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, age spot, glans,extra fingers,fewer fingers,strange fingers,bad hand,backlight, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), watermark, logo, bad anatomy,lace,rabbit,back,")
                        .sampler_index("DPM++ SDE Karras")
                        .script_args(new ArrayList<>())
                                .args(Lists.newArrayList(args1, args2)).build()).build())
                                .sd_model_checkpoint("chosenMix_chosenMix.ckpt [dd0aacadb6]")
                return body;
            public static String convertImageToBase64(String imagePath) throws IOException { File file = new File(imagePath);
                FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
                byte[] imageData = new byte[(int) file.length()];
                return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(imageData);
            private List callSdApi(StableDiffusionTextToImg body) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
                HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
                HttpEntity requestEntity = new HttpEntity<>(body, headers);
                ResponseEntity entity = restTemplate.postForEntity("", requestEntity, JSONObject.class);
                final StableDiffusionTextToImgResponse stableDiffusionTextToImgResponse = handleResponse(entity);
                final List images = stableDiffusionTextToImgResponse.getImages();
                if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(images)) {"empty images");
                    return Lists.newArrayList();
                return images;
            private StableDiffusionTextToImgResponse handleResponse(ResponseEntity response) { if (Objects.isNull(response) || !response.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful()) { log.warn("call stable diffusion api status code: {}", JSONObject.toJSONString(response));
                final JSONObject body = response.getBody();
                if (Objects.isNull(body)) { log.error("send request failed. response body is empty");
                return body.toJavaObject(StableDiffusionTextToImgResponse.class);