iOS 不用VOIP也可以实现微信来电邀请推送持续响铃震动及及时来电取消

iOS 不用VOIP也可以实现微信来电邀请推送持续响铃震动及及时来电取消

  • 前言
    • 一 、关于NotificationServiceExtension
      • 1. 创建
      • 2. 推送机制
      • 3. API 实例方法
  • 二、 APNS Push Payload
    • 2. 来电邀请
    • 2. 来电取消
  • 三、数据共享
    • 3. 配置共享域
  • 四 知识点就到这里,下面是主要代码
    • 4. 1 NotificationService.m 文件
    • 4.2 前后台问题
  • 五、参考文章
  • 六、VOIP




一 、关于NotificationServiceExtension

1. 创建

使用Xcode打开项目,选中File -> New -> Target...,在出现的弹窗中选择Notification Service Extension模板。如下图所示:

点击Next后,你需要填写特定于应用程序的相关信息。添加完毕,点击Finish可以在项目的TARGETS里看到多了Service Extension一项。如图所示:


2. 推送机制


  • App收到通知。
  • 系统创建扩展类的实例对象并在后台启动它。
  • 你的扩展程序会执行内容编辑和/或下载某些内容操作。
  • 如果你的扩展程序执行太长时间(最多30s)而不能完成它的工作,将会收到通知并被立即终止。
  • 通知显示给用户。

3. API 实例方法

3.1 在该方法内可以对通知进行任何必要的更改,并在完成后通知系统。最多处理时长为30s, 超过30s系统会自动退出通知横幅。

- (void)didReceiveNotificationRequest:(UNNotificationRequest *)request withContentHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationContent * _Nonnull))contentHandler;

Override this method and use it to modify the UNNotificationContent object that the system delivers with the notification. At some point during your implementation, execute the contentHandler block and pass it your modified content. If you decide not to modify the content, call the contentHandler block with the original content from the request parameter.
You can modify any of the content from the original request. You might customize the content for the current user or replace it altogether. You can use this method to download images or movies and add them as attachments to the content. You may also modify the alert text as long as you don’t remove it. If the content object doesn’t contain any alert text, the system ignores your modifications and delivers the original notification content.
Your extension has a limited amount of time (no more than 30 seconds) to modify the content and execute the contentHandler block. If you don’t execute that block in a timely manner, the system calls your extension’s serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire method to give you one last chance to execute the block. If you don’t, the system presents the notification’s original content to the user.


// 扩展程序被系统终止之前会被调用
- (void)serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire;

If your didReceiveNotificationRequest:withContentHandler: method takes too long to execute its completion block, the system calls this method on a separate thread to give you one last chance to execute the block. Use this method to execute the block as quickly as possible. Doing so might mean providing some fallback content. For example, if your extension is still downloading an image file with the intent of attaching it to the notification’s content, update the notification’s alert text to indicate that an image download is in progress. If you fail to execute the completion block from the didReceiveNotificationRequest:withContentHandler: method in time, the system displays the notification’s original content.

二、 APNS Push Payload


2. 来电邀请

{  "_j_business" = 1;
    "_j_data_" = "{\"data_msgtype\":1,\"push_type\":4,\"is_vip\":1}";
    "_j_msgid" = 18101194842707757;
    "_j_uid" = 75039914131;
    aps =     {  alert =         {  title = "来电邀请";
        badge = 0;
        "mutable-content" = 1;
        sound = "laidian.caf";
    "extra_key" = "extra_value";
    pushType = 1;

pushType: 推送类型 来电邀请为1,来电取消为2.

2. 来电取消

{  "_j_business" = 1;
    "_j_data_" = "{\"data_msgtype\":1,\"push_type\":4,\"is_vip\":1}";
    "_j_msgid" = 18101194848382700;
    "_j_uid" = 75039914131;
    aps =     {  alert =         {  title = "\U8bed\U97f3\U901a\U8bdd\U53d6\U6d88"